The South African Reserve Bank has set a band of between 3-6%, in which to contain inflation. The current Consumer Price Index is sitting at just over 4%, well within the inflation band set by SARB.
Ethekwini, under the ruling party, is beset with major financial challenges: Poor planning,
Over expenditure,
Increased debt,
Irregular and wasteful expenditure,
are just a few as outlined by the Auditor General.
It is the view of the ACDP, that Administered costs, such as tarrif and fuel increases are some of the biggest drivers of inflation.
It is untenable that the ratepayer in Ethekwini, is now asked to pay for services with the following increases :
Assessment Rates: 6.9%,
Water (Residential): 15%,
Water (Business): 15.5%,
Electricity: 14.4%,
Sanitation: 9.9%,
Refuse: 9.9%
These tarrif increases, which average 11.93%, are way above the average, national inflation rate of 4.1%, and certainly way above the average wage and salary increases of the ordinary South African citizen.
The ACDP in Ethekwini, calls on all residents in the city to lend their support to our call, to reject these proposed tarif increases outright, and to support the ACDP, in its bid to place credible, competent, trustworthy men/women of integrity, into positions of government authority.
Read the ACDP manifesto here https://ift.tt/2ODA4Jq
#UniteBuildGrow #VoteACDP #SouthAfrica #Elections2019 #SAElections2019 #GodlyGovernance