URGENT MESSAGE FOR INTERCESSORS – Critical case regarding our children in South Africa and religious freedom in SA. Please pray for ADV NADENE BADENHORST and ADV Reg WILLIS and Freedom of Religion, South Africa as they argue the case tomorrow in the Constitutional Court and share this post!

Blessings, Pearl KUPE

Message from ADV. NADENE

Dear friends, tomorrow (Thurs 29 Nov) FOR SA will be arguing an important matter for parental rights and religious freedom in the Constitutional Court. The hearing is from 10am – 4pm tomorrow in front of 8 – 11 judges. We would really covet your prayers – for our (Adv Reg Willis and myself) preparation today, and also for supernatural anointing and authority as well as favour with the judges tomorrow. With appreciation, Adv Nadene Badenhorst (Freedom of Religion South Africa). 28/11/2018


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