I-African Christian Democratic Party iletha eNingizimu Afrika ithemba lokuba isizwe esinamandla, esinempilo, esiphumelelayo nesinenjongo. Iqembu lezombangazwe eliqaphela ukuthi imindeni...
ACDP HISTORY – The above Leaflet was created, printed & spread to support the ACDP in the start up...
ACDP Ethekwini have moved! We invite you to our brand new website at https://ift.tt/2BJwwQN and encourage you to keep...
Wasted Vote? Does the party you support have the same values as you? Does this party undergird the timeless...
Campaign Slogans – 1994 General Election: Protect your family’s future! 1995 Local Government Election: Protect your family’s future! 1999...
Vision – The African Christian Democratic Party brings to South Africa hope for a strong, healthy prosperous and purpose-driven...
Campaign Slogans – 1994 General Election: Protect your family’s future! 1995 Local Government Election: Protect your family’s future! 1999...
Principles – We believe there is one Creator God, eternally existent in three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit....
©2025 African Christian Democratic Party Ethekwini