Read more here https://city-press.news24.com/Business/judge-nugent-sars-is-spending-taxpayer-money-like-water-20181021
Read more here https://city-press.news24.com/Business/judge-nugent-sars-is-spending-taxpayer-money-like-water-20181021
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Manifesto – Download Campaign Manifestos 2009 https://ift.tt/2Nvbbl8 ACDP Manifesto 2011 https://ift.tt/2CP7rqG ACDP Manifesto 2014 https://ift.tt/2NyBuXz ACDP Manifesto 2016 ACDP...
Why Vote for ACDP? In Johannesburg, the opposition party was struggling in Human Settlements Sector. • The IFP MMC...
Evasive is not the way to respond to residents. The ACDP call out the DSW Ethekwini team responsible for...
National Assembly questions In a follow-up question relating to the report by the High Level Panel on the Assessment...
Kenneth Meshoe tweeted One of government’s responsibilities is to send out a clear message to the public that crime...
The ACDP congratulate the UKZN team for preparing for the flood of new students. With approximately 91 000 applications,...
Left to right Marsha Gabriel, Leesa Gerald,Fiona Sea Fontein, Lydia Meshoe (First Lady ACDP) and Candice Courtney The ladies...
©2025 African Christian Democratic Party Ethekwini