Watch the message here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s3hcnPaHKbg&feature=youtu.be
Website: https://acdpethekwini.wordpress.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ACDPethekwini
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ACDPethekwini
Watch the message here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s3hcnPaHKbg&feature=youtu.be
Website: https://acdpethekwini.wordpress.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ACDPethekwini
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ACDPethekwini
Dagga Infused Beer to be Sold at Major Retailer, But Still no Clarity on What is “Private Use.” The...
Biblical Leadership Characteristics to Develop a Nation. Shared from National Parliament by ACDP Deputy President, Wayne Thring. #ACDP #WayneThring...
The process is simple and you can do it right from your electronic device: Download the membership form here...
Kenneth Meshoe tweeted One of government’s responsibilities is to send out a clear message to the public that crime...
The current state of poverty, racial tensions, state capture, bank looting, crime, lack of service delivery and land grabs...
The recent abduction of children has raised tremendous concerns. Whilst members of the ACDP engage with government sectors and...
Perhaps most astonishingly, nearly as many people had never even heard of the concept, while most reject the EFF’s...
Campaign Slogans – 1994 General Election: Protect your family’s future! 1995 Local Government Election: Protect your family’s future! 1999...
©2025 African Christian Democratic Party Ethekwini