#ACDP @A_C_D_P #SouthAfrica #landExpropriationWithoutCompensation
Read more here https://citizen.co.za/news/south-africa/2014136/survey-finds-only-30-of-people-in-sa-support-land-expropriation-without-compensation/
Read more here https://citizen.co.za/news/south-africa/2014136/survey-finds-only-30-of-people-in-sa-support-land-expropriation-without-compensation/
What can you do for Ward 71? As a Councillor , I will build on 4 pillars to restore...
The ACDP in eThekwini is shocked to hear of the passing of Cllr Sibusiso David Maphumulo and offers its...
The facts are not always in front of you if you just look at the media. In fact much...
“The ACDP and the majority of South Africans do not want dagga decriminalised and legalised for private use, given...
South Africa Needs Those Who Can Influence The Political Discourse, Righteously #SouthAfrica #WayneThring #ACDP @A_C_D_P @RevMeshoe Watch it here...
https://youtu.be/YIKYtENcmSg Marsha Gabriel , the Managing Director of ACDP spoke about Comprehensive Sexual Education and spoke about dangers and...
The ACDP encourage innovative producers and directors to take this opportunity to bring your gifting’s to the stage. The...
Kenneth Meshoe tweeted One of government’s responsibilities is to send out a clear message to the public that crime...
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